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J-POP頂尖偶像團體浪花男子(Naniwa Danshi)




浪花男子(Naniwa Danshi)是日本星達拓娛樂旗下的七人男子團體,由藤原丈一郎、道枝駿佑、大橋和也、大西流星、西畑大吾、長尾謙杜、高橋恭平組成。團體於2018年成立,並於2021年憑藉出道曲《初心LOVE》魅力出道。團體名稱中的「浪花」源自大阪的古稱,強調成員們深厚的關西文化背景。除了可愛帥氣的外表和精彩的表演力之外,來自關西的他們輕鬆幽默的談話風格也是吸引粉絲的入坑魅力point。

在日本九個城市中,一共42場演出全部售罄的『Naniwa Danshi LIVE TOUR 2024 '+Alpha'』,總參與人數預估將高達43萬4千人,體現了他們的超強人氣。浪花男子不僅在日本擁有眾多歌迷,他們的魅力在亞洲其他國家和地區等地也收穫了巨大的愛戴。浪花男子出道三年將首次踏出日本,展開三座城市亞洲巡迴演唱會『Naniwa Danshi ASIA TOUR 2024+2025 '+Alpha'』,為台北、首爾、香港三地帶來精彩的演出,讓各地粉絲興奮不已。



本活動將採用「Trip.com獨家首輪優先購票」、「Cityline公開發售」及「大麥網公開發售」「Naniwa Danshi ASIA TOUR 2024+2025 '+Alpha' in Hong Kong OFFICIAL GOODS STORE公開發售」的方式售票。為保障您的權益,務必詳細閱讀相關售票平台的頁面詳細規定。





2025.01.25 (SAT) 19:00 HKT

2025.01.26 (SUN) 19:00 HKT


港幣 1,488 元(預約座位)

港幣 1,288 元(預約座位)

港幣 988元(預約座位)


Trip.com 獨家首輪優先購票

2024年10月28日(星期一) 10:00:00至23:59:59 (香港時間)


2024年10月30日(星期三) 10:00起 (香港時間) 公開發售


2024年12月24日(星期二) 12:00起 (香港時間) 公開發售





  • 為配合演出團隊及舞台設計等需求,實際舞台形狀有可能與圖面相異之情況,敬請考量及理解後再進行購票。圖面僅供示意,實際舞台形狀將以現場搭設狀況為主。



優先購票時間:2024年10月28日(星期一) 10:00:00至23:59:59 (香港時間)



售票時間:2024年10月30日(星期三) 10:00起 (香港時間) 公開發售



售票時間:2024年12月24日(星期二) 12:00起 (香港時間) 公開發售





  • Trip.com購票服務接受信用卡 (VISA、萬事達卡、美國運通卡及銀聯在線支付)、扣帳卡(如Mox卡)和第三方支付平台(PayMe、Apple Pay、Google Pay、雲閃付、Wechat Pay、Alipay)付款。
  • 所有已出售的門票恕不設退款或退換。
  • 交易完成後,系統會顯示此網上收據。您可列印以作日後參考之用。
  • 當客戶成功訂票後,您將會收到確認電郵。

【Cityline 付款方式】

  • Cityline購票服務接受信用卡 (VISA、萬事達卡、美國運通卡及銀聯在線支付)及電子支付(PayMe、八達通、支付寶、支付寶香港、微信支付、BoC Pay) 付款,並受不同節目之特定條款限制。
  • 所有已出售的門票恕不設退款或退換。
  • 當客戶成功訂票後,您將會收到確認電郵。

【大麥網 付款方式】

  • 大麥購票服務接受支付寶和微信,已售出門票恕不退款或退換,成功訂票後,您將收到確認短信。


  • Naniwa Danshi ASIA TOUR 2024+2025 '+Alpha' in Hong Kong OFFICIAL GOODS STORE購票服務接受信用卡(JCB、Visa、MasterCard、DinersClub、UnionPay銀聯卡)及銀行轉帳(僅限中國內地不含港澳地區)
  • 選擇銀行轉帳下單後,我們將透過電子郵件或訊息寄送匯款資訊給您。請於 24 小時內完成匯款,並將匯款人姓名及匯款帳號後五碼回傳至我們提供的聯絡方式,即可完成購買。


  • 本場演出為實體門票,在Trip.com下單的所有用戶均需領取實體門票入場。在優先購買期結束後,在Trip.com下單的用戶將收到電子郵件通知其所購買的門票座位詳情。
  • 此節目只設「SF順豐快遞到付」寄送門票(“順豐快遞”)(不設親臨領取),實體門票將於最晚演出前一週以順豐到付送遞到購票時所註明的地址。參與用户可於最晚演出前一週收到實體門票。


  • 所有實體門票可於2025年1月3日上午10時起領取。請攜同您在網上購票時所使用的取票編碼及密碼先到鄰近Cityline自助服務站領取門票或以郵寄/智能櫃方法(客人須付郵資)領取門票。
  • 至於選擇以郵寄或智能櫃方式取票的歌迷,將於2025年1月3日起會收到由Cityline寄出之門票。


  • 快遞票:紙質票會在開票後快遞到您留下的收貨地址,需您承擔郵寄費用。發貨前支持修改一次收貨地址。
  • 距開演時間僅3天時,不再寄送快遞票,支持在指定取票地點取票(具體以下單後票夾信息為準)


  • 本場演出僅使用紙本票券。所有透過 Naniwa Danshi ASIA TOUR 2024+2025 '+Alpha' in Hong Kong OFFICIAL GOODS STORE 購票的顧客均需領取紙本票券。販售期間結束後,通過該網站購票的顧客將收到一封包含預訂座位等詳細訊息的電子郵件。紙本票券將在演出現場進行領取。領取位置和方式將通過電子郵件通知您。


  • 表演場內不准進行未獲授權的攝影、錄影及錄音。觀眾進入場館前,須接受手提袋/背包檢查。38 X 30 X 20 厘米 (15 X 12 X 8吋) 以上物品、所有專業相機、攝錄及錄音器材、長傘及矮凳/可折疊式座椅均禁止帶進表演場內。如有上述限制物品,請寄存於行李寄存服務櫃位或地下的自助儲物箱。活動門票必須從官方票務銷售點購買。任何損毀、污損、經過塗改、殘缺不全或複印之門票,一概將不受理。
  • 活動門票必須從官方票務銷售點購買。任何損毀、污損、經過塗改、殘缺不全或複印之門票,一概將不受理。
  • 所有門票均不設退款或作任何轉讓。每票只限一人,並須按照主辦機構設定的觀眾年齡限制。任何情況下,遺失的企位或不設劃位門票均不獲補發。
  • 基於安全理由,場館範圍內不准攜帶「自拍桿」及「三腳架」。
  • 亞洲國際博覽館範圍內嚴禁吸煙。
  • 不准攜帶外來食品及飲品進入亞洲國際博覽館。
  • 所有飲品入場前必須去除瓶蓋/蓋子。
  • 嚴禁攜帶玻璃樽、鋁罐、保溫瓶、任何比空氣輕的充氣物體,不論其物料(如:氣球)、任何危險品、武器、噴霧類或利器等物品進入表演場內。
  • 所有橫額/標誌不能大於A4尺寸。
  • 於亞洲國際博覽館範圍內嚴禁攜帶及使用違禁藥物。
  • 於亞洲國際博覽館範圍內嚴禁售賣或派發未獲授權的商品或其他物品。
  • 嚴禁攜帶及發放煙花、煙火、或使用激光儀器。
  • 不准攜帶及使用任何遙控飛行設備或玩具(如:模型直升機、無人駕駛飛機)。
  • 不得攜帶專業攝錄影音電子設備(為維護節目品質手機敬請關機或調至靜音模式)進入場館,活動現場嚴禁使用任何媒介及形式之直播、拍照、攝錄影、錄音等行為。如經查獲,必須強制曝光底片或強制刪除記憶卡中所拍攝/錄製之內容並把相關器材寄存後才能再之入場。且若有相關器材有任何損壞與遺失的情況,主辦單位概不負責並保留法律追訴權。屢勸不聽者將被請退場並不予退票。
  • 如觀眾感到不適或需要協助,請盡快通知現場醫療或保安人員。
  • 嚴禁炒賣門票。門票如已被使用或轉售、分享予他人或作其他商業用途,亞洲國際博覽館管理有限公司及主辦機構將保留取消該門票之決定權。
  • 持票人士使用門票時將被視為同意遵守及接受亞洲國際博覽館、光尚娛樂、Trip.com及Cityline之可適用條款及細則。各項條款及細則將不時修改而不作另行通知。
  • 亞洲國際博覽館管理有限公司作為場地提供者不能保證參加者的視野在活動中完全不受任何阻礙。



Trip.com票務相關 客戶服務支援網站

歡迎追蹤光尚娛樂的官方 Facebook 專頁 及 Instagram,以獲取最新的演出資訊和公告!

J-POP's top idol group Naniwa Danshi will hold their first Asia Tour in Hong Kong at AsiaWorld-Arena on January 25 and January 26, 2025!

Naniwa Danshi is a seven-member male idol group under the agency, STARTO ENTERTAINMENT. The group consists of JOICHIRO FUJIWARA, SHUNSUKE MICHIEDA, KAZUYA OHASHI, RYUSEI ONISHI, DAIGO NISHIHATA, KENTO NAGAO, and KYOHEI TAKAHASHI. Formed in 2018 and officially debuted in 2021 with their debut single, "Ubu Love". The group is named after "Naniwa," the old name for Osaka, emphasizing that all its members come from the Kansai region and have deep cultural roots within the Kansai area. In addition to their cute and handsome appearance and wonderful performances, their relaxed and humorous conversation style from Kansai is also a charm point that attracts fans.

The 2024 tour "Naniwa Danshi LIVE TOUR 2024 '+Alpha' " was held across nine cities in Japan, and had all sold out with an estimated total attendance of 434,000 people. Naniwa Danshi not only have many fans in Japan, but their charm has also won the hearts of fans from other Asian countries and regions. Since from their debut for 3 years, Naniwa Danshi will step out of Japan for the first time to embark on their Asia tour, "Naniwa Danshi ASIA TOUR 2024+2025 '+Alpha'," bringing exciting performances to Taipei, Seoul, and Hong Kong!

The Hong Kong concert will be held at AsiaWorld-Arena on 25 and 26 January, 2025. This is the once-in-a lifetime opportunity for NaniFam to meet Naniwa Danshi in Hong Kong, and it is limited to two days only! Seize this opportunity and don’t miss the perfect moment to reunite with your beloved idols!


This event will adopt ticket sales methods including "Trip.com exclusive first round priority tickets," "Cityline public sale," "Damai public sale," and "Naniwa Danshi ASIA TOUR 2024+2025 '+Alpha' in Hong Kong OFFICIAL GOODS STORE. public sale" To protect your rights, please be sure to carefully read the detailed terms and conditions on the relevant ticketing platform pages.

Do not purchase tickets on auction websites or other unofficial ticketing channels and websites, as this may lead to fraud or transaction disputes. To avoid compromising your rights, please do not take risks. If you encounter issues such as being unable to enter the venue on the day of the performance, the organizer, Trip.com, and Cityline will not be responsible and cannot process refunds.

The relevant regulations are subject to the official website and announcements of the organizer, who reserves the right to add shows, modify, terminate, or change any content related to this event.

Before purchasing tickets, please carefully read the precautions listed on the relevant ticketing platform. Once a purchase is completed, it is considered agreement to all event terms. If you fail to comply with the instructions and warnings from staff, the organizer has the right to prohibit entry and exit, and no refunds will be issued.


2025.01.25 (SAT) 19:00 HKT

2025.01.26 (SUN) 19:00 HKT

Ticket Prices

HK$1,488 (Reserved Seating)

HK$1,288 (Reserved Seating)

HK$988 (Reserved Seating)

Trip.com Exclusive First Round Priority Booking Date

Trip.com Exclusive First Round Priority Booking

2024.10.28(Mon)10:00:00 -23:59:59 HKT

Cityline Public Sale (first-come, first-serve)

From 2024.10.30(Wed)10:00:00 HKT

Damai Public Sale (first-come, first-serve)

From 2024.12.24(Tue)12:00:00 HKT

OFFICIAL GOODS STORE Public Sale (first-come, first-serve)

Public sale starts at 19:00 on January 16, 2025 HKT

Question and Inquiries

Ticket Information

  • To accommodate the requirements of the performance team and stage design, the actual shape of the stage may differ from the illustrated layout. Please consider and understand this before purchasing tickets. The illustration is for reference only, and the actual stage sha.

【Trip.com Exclusive First Round Priority Booking】

Trip.com Exclusive First Round Priority Booking Platform:Trip.com

Trip.com Exclusive First Round Priority Booking Time:
From 2024.10.28(Mon)10:00:00 -23:59:59 HKT

【Cityline Public Sale】

Public Sale Ticketing Platform:Cityline

Public Sale Start Time: From 2024.10.30(Wed)10:00:00 HKT

【Damai Public Sale】

Public Sale Ticketing Platform:Damai

Public Sale Start Time: From 2024.12.24(Tue)12:00:00 HKT


Public Sale Ticketing Platform:OFFICIAL GOODS STORE

Public Sale Start Time: Public sale starts at 19:00 on January 16, 2025 HKT

【Trip.com Exclusive First Round Priority Booking Payment Methods】

  • Trip.com ticketing services accept payment via credit cards (VISA, Mastercard, American Express, and UnionPay online), debit cards (such as Mox Card), and third-party payment platforms (PayMe, Octopus, Alipay, Alipay Hong Kong, WeChat Pay, BoC Pay).
  • All sold tickets are non-refundable and non-exchangeable.
  • Once the transaction is completed, the system will display an online receipt, which you can print for future reference.
  • After successfully booking, you will receive a confirmation email.

【Cityline Payment Methods】

  • Cityline ticketing services accept payment via credit cards (VISA, Mastercard, American Express, and UnionPay online), debit cards (such as Mox Card), and third-party payment platforms (PayMe, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Cloud Quick Pass, WeChat Pay, Alipay).
  • All sold tickets are non-refundable and non-exchangeable.
  • Once the transaction is completed, the system will display an online receipt, which you can print for future reference.
  • After successfully booking, you will receive a confirmation email.

【Damai Payment Methods】

  • Tickets purchased through Damai ticketing service accept Alipay and WeChat Pay. Once tickets are sold, they are non-refundable or exchangeable. After successfully booking tickets, you will receive a confirmation SMS.


  • The Naniwa Danshi ASIA TOUR 2024+2025 '+Alpha' in Hong Kong OFFICIAL GOODS STORE accepts credit card payments (JCB, Visa, MasterCard, Diners Club, UnionPay) and bank transfers (for Mainland China only, excluding Hong Kong and Macau).
  • For bank transfers, after placing the order, we will send you the remittance information via email. Please complete the remittance within 24 hours and return the remitter’s name and the last five digits of the remittance account number to the contact details provided in order to complete the purchase.

【Trip.com Exclusive First Round Priority Booking Ticket Collection Methods】

  • This performance will feature physical tickets, and all purchasers who order via Trip.com must collect physical tickets for entry. After the priority purchase period ends, purchasers who ordered on Trip.com will receive an email notification with the details of their purchased ticket seats.
  • This program only offers "SF Express Pay on Delivery" for physical ticket collection (no on-site collection). Physical tickets will only be shipped by “SF Express” (no in-person pickup) no later than one week before the show.

【Cityline Ticket Collection Method】

  • All physical tickets will only be made available and issued FROM 10AM, 3 JANUARY 2025 ONWARDS. Please bring along the Redemption Claim ID and Password which you used for booking to redeem tickets at nearby Cityline Ticketing Kiosk at the earliest convenience.
  • For patrons who choose courier or locker service, they will receive tickets from 3 JANUARY 2025 ONWARDS.

【Damai Ticket Collection Method】

  • Delivery Tickets: Paper tickets will be delivered to the shipping address provided by you after ticket issuance. You are responsible for the delivery cost. One time of modification of the shipping address is supported before shipment.
  • Note: When there are only 3 days left until the performance date, tickets will no longer be sent by delivery. You can pick up the tickets at a designated ticket collection point (specific details will be based on the information in the ticket folder after ordering).

【OFFICIAL GOODS STORE Ticket Collection Method】

  • This performance will only use paper tickets. All customers who purchase tickets through the Naniwa Danshi ASIA TOUR 2024+2025 '+Alpha' in Hong Kong OFFICIAL GOODS STORE will be required to pick up their paper tickets. After the pre-sale period ends, customers who purchased tickets through the Naniwa Danshi ASIA TOUR 2024+2025 '+Alpha' in Hong Kong OFFICIAL GOODS STORE will receive an email with details such as their reserved seats.The paper tickets will be available for pickup at the performance venue. Information about the pickup location and method will be provided via email.

【Admision Notice】

  • Unauthorized photography, videography, and audio recording are prohibited inside the venue. Attendees must have their bags/backpacks checked before entering. Items larger than 38 X 30 X 20 cm (15 X 12 X 8 inches), all professional cameras, recording equipment, and folding chairs are not allowed in the performance area. Long umbrellas are also prohibited in the standing area. Please store restricted items at the luggage storage service counter or the self-service lockers on the ground floor.
  • Tickets must be purchased from official ticket sales points. Any tickets that are damaged, soiled, altered, incomplete, or photocopied will not be accepted.
  • All tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable. Each ticket is valid for one person only and must adhere to the age restrictions set by the organizer. Lost tickets, whether for seated or unassigned areas, will not be reissued under any circumstances.
  • For safety reasons, "selfie sticks" and "tripods" are not allowed within the venue.
  • Smoking is strictly prohibited in the AsiaWorld-Expo area.
  • Outside food and beverages are not permitted.
  • All drinks must have their caps removed before entry.
  • Glass bottles, aluminum cans, thermoses, any lighter-than-air inflatables (e.g., balloons), dangerous items, weapons, sprays, or sharp objects are prohibited.
  • All banners and signs must not exceed A4 size.
  • The use and possession of illegal drugs are strictly forbidden within the AsiaWorld-Expo.
  • Selling or distributing unauthorized merchandise or items is also prohibited.
  • Fireworks, firecrackers, or laser devices are not permitted.
  • Remote-controlled flying devices or toys (such as model helicopters and drones) are not allowed.
  • Professional audio-visual recording equipment is prohibited, and attendees are requested to turn off or silence their mobile phones. Any form of live streaming, photography, videography, or audio recording is strictly prohibited. If caught, attendees must delete any recorded content and store their equipment before being allowed entry. The organizer will not be responsible for any damage or loss of such equipment and reserves the right to pursue legal action. Those who repeatedly ignore warnings will be asked to leave without a refund.
  • If attendees feel unwell or need assistance, please notify on-site medical or security personnel immediately.
  • Ticket scalping is strictly prohibited. Tickets that have been used, resold, shared with others, or used for any commercial purpose may be canceled by the AsiaWorld-Expo Management and the organizer.
  • By using the ticket, holders agree to comply with the applicable terms and conditions of AsiaWorld-Expo, Sunny Side Up Entertainment, Trip.com, and Cityline. These terms and conditions are subject to change without prior notice.
  • As the venue provider, AsiaWorld-Expo Management cannot guarantee that attendees will have an unobstructed view during the event.
  • In the event of any disputes, AsiaWorld-Expo Management and Sunny Side Up Entertainment reserve the final decision rights.

【Contact Us】

If you have any questions regarding the concert or need assistance, please contact us at the following customers service email addresses.

For Trip.com Ticketing Related Inquiries Customer Service Support Website

Feel free to follow Sunny Side UP Entertainment’s official Facebook and Instagram for the latest performance information and announcements!